Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Impact Of Technology On The Security System - 1231 Words
T.J.X. was the leading fashionable brand name, off-price product retailer in the U.S. In 2013 the company’s net sales reached $27 billion, increased by 6% compared to the same period in 2012. In 2007, the company was revealed by the investigating authorities that their database had been penetrated by hackers for 1.5 years, and been causing 94 million debit/credit card and customers’ personal information stolen around the world of its 2,500 branch stores. In 2005, the discussion of upgrading the wireless system to the standard WAP was raised in the information department. However, they choose to focus more on constraining the budget rather than to invest on wireless security system. According to the corresponding email between the CIO and the employee, they were aware the necessity of upgrading the system, but decided to overlook on the potential risk and the contingency plan they relied on was hope, hoping that they will not get compromised. And it was the same year when the first major intrusion into the company’s system had occurred at Marshalls. The criminal hacked into the network and established connection with the main TJX server, then downloaded card information with their program installed onto the server. Since the hackers had access to the main database, they were able to modify and delete log files and to move data to hide their movements. This could be one of the reasons why it took the company almost two years to detect that there was some suspicious softwareShow MoreRelatedReviewing State Of Maryland Information Security Program Documentation917 Words  | 4 Pagesis to review State of Maryland information security program documentation and to determine the security standards used to create the program in order to protect confidentiality, integrity and availability of agency operations, organizational assets or individuals which is the main agenda of State of Maryland Department of information technology. 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